Submit an application to join our team. Built for artists, producers, managers, models and many other entertainment related brands. One of our A+R's will review your application and contact you by email to set up an interview. In the event you are not selected to join our initiative you will receive an email letting you know why and what you can do to get your application approved (in some cases you may be recommended to our development program).
Many entertainers who are not selected to be directly added to our roster can automatically be enrolled in our development program which prepares artists for our roster and other major opportunities and partnerships through our network. You can enroll in the Dream Music Productions development program which allows you to partner with a member of our staff who will work with you during your selected enrollment 'length of partnership' to develop your music brand and connect you to major opportunities and a spot on our roster. In order for one of our A&R's to be assigned to work with you, there is an administrative fee associated with enrolling. To work with our development team for 3 months it costs $249.99, for 6 months it costs $499.99 and for one complete year the cost is $998.98. Submit the form below to get started with your enrollment. In the event your not selected for our Roster and can't afford the development program you can earn your way in to the program by joining our Affiliate Program here.